Clean up your diet.

Clean up your diet.

There are several foods you may think are good or not bad, but don’t be fooled.

Wheat, Barley, Rye
Why Avoid: Contain gluten which can cause inflammation and digestive issues in sensitive individuals.

Note: Even gluten-free oats can contain avenin, a protein similar to gluten, which might be problematic for some.

Corn and Soy
Concerns: Often genetically modified and can have adverse health effects.

Fried Food
Issues: High in unhealthy fats and can contribute to inflammation and heart disease.

Types to Avoid: All cooking and salad oils, including olive oil.

Reason: Susceptible to oxidation, leading to free radical formation.

Well-Done Meat
Recommendation: Consume meats rare or medium-rare to preserve nutrients and avoid harmful compounds formed at high temperatures.

Deli Meat
Warning: Avoid any meats with added nitrates as they can be carcinogenic.

Soda Pop
Health Risks: High in sugar and artificial additives, contributing to various health issues.

Potato Skins
Preparation Tip: Eat the skins only if the potato is boiled to reduce anti-nutrient content.

How to Prepare: Soft scrambled in butter, soft boiled, poached.

Benefits: Eggs are a rich source of high-quality protein, vitamins, and minerals, especially when cooked gently to preserve their nutrients.

Uses: Ideal for cooking and baking.

Benefits: Contains healthy fats and fat-soluble vitamins like A, D, E, and K.

Types to Use: Prefer natural sea salt or Himalayan pink salt.

Benefits: Essential for electrolyte balance and bodily functions.

Includes: Milk, cheese, yogurt (preferably full-fat and organic).

Benefits: Provides calcium, protein, and beneficial probiotics (in yogurt).

Meats (Fish, Chicken, Pork, Lamb, Beef)
Preparation: Cook meats rare to medium-rare to retain nutrients.

Benefits: Excellent sources of protein, iron, and B vitamins.

Veggies and Fruits
Variety: Incorporate a colorful range of vegetables and fruits for diverse nutrients.

Benefits: Packed with vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants.

Nuts and Nut Butters
Types: Mixed, salted nuts (no peanuts) and nut butters without added sugar.

Benefits: Good sources of healthy fats, protein, and fiber.

Grains and Legumes
Types: Rice, millet, pure buckwheat, beans, couscous (pearl millet only), quinoa, corn.

Benefits: Provide energy, fiber, and various vitamins and minerals.

Choices: Coffee, tea, green tea, red wine.

Benefits: Rich in antioxidants and can have various health benefits when consumed in moderation.

Intake: 4-8, 8oz glasses of filtered water daily.

Tips: Avoid using soft plastic bottles to reduce chemical exposure.

Special Recommendations
Lard: Use in cooking for its stable fat profile.

ORAC Points: Aim for 20,000 ORAC points of antioxidants daily. Research foods with high ORAC values to include in your diet.

Gluten-Free Carbs: Any carbohydrate labeled “Gluten-Free” is safe except for oatmeal.
